Connection | Self-Improvement


I forgot the name of my blog, my people. It’s been so long since I wrote anything here that WordPress made me do a security check before I could log in. And to that I say, sounds right. Feels right in my cold, defrosting heart of hearts. It’s November now (of a totally different year […]

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House & Home | Self-Improvement

A Little Office Love Affair

There is nothing sexier than fresh white trim. Nothing. Now if that sounds a wee bit dramatic, let me paint you a picture of my family in our natural habitat: a filthy human tornado of a 5-year-old a sensory-seeking 7-year-old that jumps, spins, crashes, and experiments his way through his every waking minute a long-haired […]

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House & Home | Self-Improvement

Stalking Stockings

I promised to amuse you with “shit I like” posts, but this time around we’re coming at this from the “shit I really don’t like most of the time” angle. There are sorts of things out there that *seem* like a good idea, but the design just sucks. Bottom line: a good idea only turns into shit we like if it works. Enter these blasted no-show socks…

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Swimming lessons and the lessons associated
Connection | Parenting | Self-Improvement

More Than Swimming

I have debated sharing this here, but on reflecting, I’ve never regretted being vulnerable and I’ve frequently regretted being silent. I’m using my voice because I don’t know how else to move forward. #courage Our oldest son was diagnosed with Autism a few short weeks ago. It’s a bizarre feeling being equally heartbroken and relieved when […]

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House & Home | Self-Improvement

A Good Before

I suppose my deep appreciation for a good “before” began decades ago. I mean…if you knew me in my tweens, you’ll attest to the fact that I was built for before and after comparisons. Before: all knobby knees and big ol’ glasses and impressive Jersey hair. Let’s just say there was a tremendous amount of […]

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Connection | Self-Improvement

What Do I Know?

I’ve toyed around with gathering my thoughts in one place since 1 million years ago when I paid $1 million for an English degree I’ve never used professionally. Every time I think about writing something officially, I question what on earth I have to say that hasn’t been said 1 million times in 1 million […]

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