Disorganized jewelry drawer with colorful jewelry
House & Home | Self-Improvement

Skeletons in the Closet

I was talking with a woman recently about her adventures in closet cleanouts. She is preparing for a move, listing her house, and doing it all with twin toddlers. She explained the post-baby master closet comb-through I remember doing after each of our boys came into our lives — the ones that involves considering your […]

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person holding gold teapot pouring white ceramic teacup
Connection | House & Home | Self-Improvement

I’m a Little Tea Pot

After weeks of holidays, illnesses, snow days, and tidal waves of errands and tasks, I woke up Monday morning to a blank slate on my calendar — no appointments, no scheduled work or meetings, no agenda. When you’re a mom and wife with a job, a contracting position, and a side business, just the thought […]

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sea dawn landscape sunset
Connection | Parenting | Self-Improvement

What if…

I recognized the mugshot of a man who confessed to seriously harming his young son yesterday. Unfortunately, It wasn’t the mugshot or the news headline that shocked me. It was the recognition. It’s a different thing knowing something terrible exists in the world and knowing something terrible exists in your world. The even more shocking […]

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