
This Mom Bod

November 6, 2021

This is a moment to really work out those gratitude muscles. Today, I’m grateful for the body I move through life in. I’m grateful for it not because it’s even close to perfect (newsflash: it isn’t!), not because it’s improving in any visible way (it’s not!), and not because it always functions, looks or feels good (sometimes it doesn’t). The gratitude roots in the simple fact that it’s mine and that, like my brain and my heart, it’s always up for learning as we go.

Those whispers of wisdom in our bodies from our younger years become demanding bellows we can no longer ignore as we age. And once we actually listen, it doesn’t take long to realize how very much it’s been trying to tell us. More is not always better. Rest is not laziness. Beauty is overrated. Strength is an investment that pays huge dividends. Scars are stories that teach us so much. Pain is a roadmap. Muscles are meant to be flexed. Everything is temporary.

Bodies are living things: their evolution is a gift!

Today I did a combat class in pants that were tighter than they were last year. I modified every single high-impact exercise because…dear God, these poor knees! I took breaks when I felt pain or imbalances, which was often. I adjusted my form to protect my back and shoulders because I’ve had a headache for three days. I played it safe, and that felt like the perfect choice. I showed up for MY body — not the body I wish I had or once had or dream of someday having again — the one I live in now that has brought me through every triumph and heartbreak, stage of life, injury and comeback, to this exact moment, exactly as I am…on purpose.

Gratitude is knowing that this body (that has changed so much) is changing FOR me, to carry me through this chapter, as it has all the ones before. The least I can do is send that soft little belly pooch, those creaky knees, and my sore neck a rush of love and say “thanks for getting me here.”